Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Tripico- interactive whiteboard toolkit for ESL classroom activities

Hello, everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog (again).
How's everthing going?
Today I am going to introduce you a website, Triptico where enables ESL teachers to create teaching tools based on interactive whiteboards.

Go to the Website : https://tripticoplus.com

Triptico is an amazing resource for teachers to create their own various class activities and learning materials using interactive whiteboards.
Introducing Triptico from YouTube
A simple desktop app, packed full of innovative resources to enable
 teachers and students to quickly create engaging interactive learning
It contains 32 different resources available in 4 different categories ranging from simple timers and selectors to very interesting teaching tools and quizzes such as Word Magnets, Student Group, Order Sorter, Bingo, Find Ten, and What's The Question etc.

All of them can be simply used without complex install process and created according to your lesson. Also, all activities you have made through Triptico can be saved for the later use. Once you sign up for a free trial, you can access to these excellent tools if you have a computer and the internet. I absolutely believe that this will make your better use of technology in the classroom to motivate students-teacher interaction and promote classroom participation and involvement.

 Word Magnets

Every tool acceccible in this website is based on virtual whiteboards as seen above. Word Magnet is one of my favorite tools and I found it very useful for vocabulary and short sentence activity such as labelling, grouping, word scramble and so on. Students will enjoy learning via this modern technology and we teachers also do not have to make all vocabulary cards in paper anymore.

 What's the Question?

The quiz maker, What's the Question, is highly recommended for a post-reading activity. As an example above, the teacher prepares and presents answers(mostly key contents of the novel) instead of making questions after reading Romeo and Juliet(or vice versa as normal). Then, each team chooses one of the items they feel confident about to explain and makes the acceptable question for it. If other teams agree that the question presented makes sense to the given answer, the team gains points. I found this is a really fun and motivating activity not only as a reading activity but as speaking practice. Also it will encourage students to cooperate helping one another, where scaffodling can naturally occur.


Ths site also offers tutorials and Q&A so you might be hard to get lost when you first start to use it. David, the creator this site, always communicates with us through the web.Moreover, one new feature we should notice is "Blog", where you can publish your activity you have created and share it with everyone, too.  

This website is like a treasure island. The more you look into it, the more unexpected your will find. Then, why not try? :)





  1. ¡wow! it seems like you have tried everything out. I also like the word magnet, but i think it might be time-consuming if there are too many words. I would really wanna employ Triptico in my classroom. the only concern is the fee. Isn't it a little pricey?

    1. Thank your for the comment, Cindy. :) I think the site is worthy it!

  2. Hi Yuna,

    I like the discussion zone as well,which is really helpful.I think the students and teachers will both feel relaxed while learning with this website.

    I did try find the Triptico desktop app, but I failed.:( Have you already tried the desktop version? If you find the link, could you please share it with me?


    1. Hi, Inky Thank you for visiting and commenting on my post! :) You mean the desktop version or the mobile app one?

  3. Hi Yuna, your review on the benefits of Triptico is spot on. I really like that Triptico engages students in active discussions and collaboration. It's also really convenient than making physical teaching materials from paper and cards. I think a new resource is on its way - currently being tested by the designers. Excited to try it out.

    1. Hello Priska. Thank you for visiting again:)I also think this web is really something teachers must have for own convenience and student motivation as well! :)

  4. Hi Yuna! Word Magnet is also one of my favorite tool:) it would be great if it could be applied in vocabulary class to test student's knowledge about the word, right?

  5. Hi Yuna! Word Magnet is also one of my favorite tool:) it would be great if it could be applied in vocabulary class to test student's knowledge about the word, right?

  6. Hello Yuna,

    Thank you for taking the time to blog about the Triptico website - it is great to learn that the resources are proving to be helpful to you and your readers!

    Thanks again,

    David - Creator of Triptico
